
Military Medal recipients WWI Pair & LSGC group. Sjt Frank Cocking. 82nd Company Royal Garrison Artillery. Born Laira, Devon. Wounded 1918

Original price was: £235.00.Current price is: £210.00.


Availability: 1 in stock

Mounted for display on modern ribbons.

Bwm and victory  21915 sjt f cocking ra.

Lsgc medal 1402348 sjt f cocking rga .

Frank was born at laira in Devon 23rd February 1890 .

1891 living at Stoke Damerel in Devonshire.

1911 serving with 82nd coy rga as part I the allahabad brigade .

He is noted as recieving the Military Medal London gazette 28th August 1917 .

Wounded 4th May 1918 .

He received his long service good conduct medal in 1923 .

In 1939 he is a school keeper ( royal artillery pensioner on disablement pension). At bailley St London County Council school in Finsbury.

He died in January 1969 at Islington,  London.

Sadly the whereabouts of his mm are unknown .

Military Medal recipients WWI Pair & LSGC group. Sjt Frank Cocking. 82nd Company Royal Garrison Artillery. Born Laira, Devon. Wounded 1918
Original price was: £235.00.Current price is: £210.00.

Availability: 1 in stock

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