Correctly named 423377 Pte JW Whiteman 10-Lond R
John William Whiteman was born c1887. He served with the 10th Bn (Hackney) Paddington Rifles, London Regiment. He served in France from Feb 1917 until March 1918 entitling him to a pair. He was wounded on 24/3/1918. Records show his Battalion were at Beittes De Roug and on the 24th they were bombarded with gas shells as well as high explosive shells.
John was awarded a Silver War Badge numbered B7347 (not present) for his wounds.
He served in total from October 10/12/15 until 16/9/19 where his Pension Index has him reported dead on that date, presumably from wounds?
Worthy of more research
On a length of modern ribbon