
WWI RFC/RAF Pair. 2 AM Frank Cornelius. 111 Squadron. Middle East Brigade. Born Maidenhead. Berkshire.

Original price was: £115.00.Current price is: £100.00.


Availability: 1 in stock

A ww1 pair on original ribbons named to 60801 2 am f cornelius raf .

sterling silver sports fob named to Willesden gar ,singles 2nd div f cornelius .

photo of Frank in rfc uniform that came with the lot .

Frank was born c1899 in Maidenhead, Berkshire.

A chauffeur by occupation he enlisted in the Royal Flying Corp 21st February 1917 .

Transferred to raf 1st April 1918 .

His mother Emily lived at 32 Westbourne Park villas , bayswater, London, w2.

He served as a Driver in rfc then raf

Served with middle East brigade 10th december 1917 until 2nd September 1919 with 111 & 112 squadrons .

WWI RFC/RAF Pair. 2 AM Frank Cornelius. 111 Squadron. Middle East Brigade. Born Maidenhead. Berkshire.
Original price was: £115.00.Current price is: £100.00.

Availability: 1 in stock

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