Correctly named 8696 Pte HG Arnold E York R
Harry George Arnold was born to John and Annie in c1890.
We find him in the 1911 Census serving with the 2nd Battalion East Yorks and it is recorded that they are in India. From medical records, we know that in 1916, Harry had served 8 years previously so starting his military career around 1907/08.
He is not seen to have been awarded any medal for his service in India where he was based at Kamptee. He returned to England with his Battalion in December 1914 and moved to barracks in Hursley Park near Winchester.
The Battalion went overseas overseas to France in January 1915. Reports tell us he is reported wounded in February 1915 but this is retracted in April when it is thought though previously wound, he is now missing/POW. The Battalion were in Vlamertinghe, near Ypres, Belgium in February and that month had 73 men killed and 132 men missing. In April, when the second report for him is dated, the Battalion were engaged in fighting at 2nd Battle of Ypres.
Harry was indeed taken prisoner but more confusion as his capture date is given as 27th September 1917.
Records show he was injured by a gunshot wound to his right forearm. He was interned at Landau POW Camp but released and was repatriated in December 1915.
He was awarded a Silver War Badge numbered 2787 and was invalided in January 1916. We find an address for him at this time as Fife Road, Beckton Road, Canning Town.
He married Violet Burton in 1917.
Record show Harry to have died in 1941.
The medals have original silk ribbons. Its nice to see the BWM present as this gives hope that the Victory is still out there for a reunite.