1914 trio on short tatty original ribbons named to.
1914 star t/26381 dvr a bridgland asc .
Bwm & victory . t/26381 a cpl a bridgland asc.
Aaron bridgland was born 1889 at East Church in Kent.
He initially served in 3rd battalion the Buffs before transferring to the Army service corp in 1908 .
He served 1908 to 1910 in Dublin.
Aaron applied to emigrate to Toronto In Canada in 1913 but obviously didn’t happen as he entered France 17th August 1914 serving with 4th company, 5th divisional train as a driver .
He married Edith of 16 Buckingham Road, Tunbridge Wells on 17th November 1915 .
Discharged 1920 after serving his 12 years .
Living at 82 Charlotte St, Milton Regis, Sittingbourne, kent .
1939 sane Road but at number 120 a railway lengthman by occupation.
He died in Kent in 1969 .
See adjacent lot for a relatives ww2 medals .
Photo shows him on left its a digital only image.