A nice complete group .
1915 star s-10494 l cpl f l Lee rif brig .
bwm & victory s-10494 pte f l Lee rif brig .
Nicely enamelled silver war badge 39592 .
Rifle brigade capbadge.
Francis Leslie Lee born c1895 a jeweler by occupation.
He enlisted in the 15th battalion rifle brigade 6th May 1915 .
Francis entered France 26th August 1915 .
He suffered a gsw / shrapnel wound to his right groin 1st of May 1916 whist serving in the trenches in France being invalided back to UK, he recovered enough to rejoin his unit 16th September 1916 and whist practicing bayonet fighting at minster he broke his right ankle , the wound to groin gave him little trouble and had healed well the ankle however caused a lot of pain and let to his discharge .
Address given as 1 Wilkes buildings, moilliett St, Birmingham.