Cyprus GSM with UN Cyprus medal pair. Baird RAF.



Availability: 1 in stock

Correctly named GSM 5031567 AC JC Baird RAF

UN Cyprus Medal unnamed as issued.

The UNFICYP mission was established in March 1964 to try and prevent the recurrence of fighting between the Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots. Since the hostilities of 1974, the mission has included supervising the cease-fire and maintaining a buffer zone between the lines of the Cyprus National Guard and of the Turkish and Turkish Cypriot forces. Qualifying time for the medal is three months of service in the mission.

For involvement in the suppression of acts of terrorism during the guerrilla war with the EOKA organisation, who wanted Cyprus’s union with Greece (called “Enosis”). The conflict involved approximately 40,000 British troops over 4 years.

It was issued to members of the British Military Forces and Civil personnel, for example the Cyprus Police Force.

The clasp was originally awarded for 120 days service between 1 April 1955 to 18 April 1959.

Both medals have their original ribbons and the original UN Cyprus medal box. The UN Cyprus medal also has a ribbon clasp.

Cyprus GSM with UN Cyprus medal pair. Baird RAF.

Availability: 1 in stock

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