Correctly named 1915 Star 106219 Cpl R Harman RE
Pair 2 Lieut Harman
Raymond Harman was born in Sharanpur, Bengal, India in 1895 to John and Janette.
We see him in boarding school in Woodbridge, Suffolk in 1911.
He enlisted into the Royal Engineers and went overseas to France in July 1915.
From his service number, we can say he was with a Special Gas Company.
We find two wound reports for him dated 17th of July and 24th of July 1916 which we could only presume can be Somme injuries. Possibly only one wounding also. No further information is to be found.
He was commissioned in November 1911 and transferred to the Labour Corps.
His medals were delivered to 15 Denmark Villas, Hove, Sussex. In 1921, we see his father living there with his second wife and a servant.
He married Mary Cray in 1925.
In 1939, we find them living at 18 Egliston Road in Wandsworth and they are both ARP Wardens.
It is also noted that Raymond is an author.
Raymond died in Dumfries in 1988.
All medals have original silk ribbons and come with the postage envelope.