A ww1 pair on short original ribbon with accompanying Canadian forestry Corps capbadge .
Bwm & victory named to . 703289 a cpl g Hall c f c .
George Hall was born Windsor, England 11th October 1872 .
A logger by occupation living at Union Bay b.c. he enlisted January 1916 in Canadian expeditionary force stating a previous service in 2nd battalion royal Sussex regt of 7 years 8 months .
He served .
Canada Jan 12th 1916 to October 1st 1916 .
England October 1st 1916 to April 27th 1917.
France April 27th 1917 to September 24th 1918 .
England from September 24th 1918 on wards .
Suffered arteriosclerosis.
Nok was wife Mrs rosetta Hall, Lake end , Dorney, Berks, England.
Served with 211th & 32nd coy in France,
Comes with some print outs of service record .