Pair correctly named 9234 Pte M Wickham Shrops LI
Major Wickham was born to Albert and Pheobe in 1891 in Aston, Warwickshire.
He served with the 1st Battalion KSLI and went overseas to France in September 1914 earning himself a 1914 Star Trio. 1914 Star missing as can be seen.
In 1901, we see Major living with his parents at 330 Long Avenue, Aston, St Clements.
His address on military papers is noted as 25 Wolfeton Park, Fermoy, Birmingham.
He married Mary Fitzgerald from Cork in 1913 and had one daughter, Mary.
He was with the 1st Bn when he is recorded as missing in action in May 1918. It was later noted that his accepted date of death was the 22nd of March 1918. According to Diaries, the 1st Bn were fighting in trenches on the Haigh Line near Lagnicourt. He is remembered upon the Arras Memorial.
LSGC correctly named T/31536 Sjt J Simm RASC
John Simm married Mary Wickam, Majors widow, in 1922 in Kent.
He earned his LSGC in 1935. No WWI service records have been found for John so this would make a good research project.
All medals are swing mounted on a clasp as worn with original silk ribbons.