Correctly named G-1295 Pte E Apps E Kent R
Edward Charles Apps was born in 1885 in Kent. In 1891, we find him living on the High St in Burnham with his family. From there, we find by 1901, he has moved to Rochester Road in Birling, Burnham and we see him woring as a cement labourer.
By 1911, he has moved now to 6 Star Cottager on Rochester Road in Birling, Burnham. He now is working as chalk worker.
He enlists into the 6th Battlion East Kent Regiment (The Buffs) in September 1914 aged 28 and goes overseas to France with them on the 1st of June 1915 earning himself a 1915 Star Trio.
He first gets a taste of action at Ploegstreert Wood in late June 1915. He later then would take part in the Battle of Loos, September 1915.
Edward is discharged from service in January 1916 due to sickeness and awarded a Silver War Badge numbered 167158 (not present).
He marries Elsie Grigg in December 1918 and his address by now is 6 Baker St, Burnham.
Edward died in 1964 in Aylesford, Kent.
Medal is on modern ribbon.