A ww1 victory on replacement ribbon named to.
439598 a sjt w osmond 52-can inf .
William was born at fishponds near Bristol, Somerset 28th November 1890 .
A bank clerk by occupation he enlisted on 3rd August 1915 in 52nd battalion ( new ontario) Canadian Infantry.
He went 1st to UK then over to the Western Front servingas part of the 9th Canadian brigade, 3rd Canadian division .
He was 1st hospitalised on 8th April 1916 at the General hospital at camiers with deafness .
He rejoined hos unit on 7th May 1916 .
The 52nd took part in the Battle of mong sorrel at Ypres between 2nd and 13th June 1916 .
William was hospitalised with a gunshot wound to hand on the 10th june .
28th October now evacuated to England he had his little finger left hand amputated due the when wounds recieved .
On 10th November 1916 he was discharged from hospital .
He then seems to have been kept in the UK in charge of orderly rooms at dental clinics at Shorncliffe an London being promoted to acting sjt on 13th April 1917 .
In February 1918 he underwent a medical showing to be unable to do physical training due to shortness of breath but fit to serve on as class bii.
he returned to the ranks at own request in March 1918 .
He was discharged in London 4th November 1919 .
Next of kin sister miss Gladys osmond of 29 Emlyn Road, Eastville, Bristol, Somerset.