A swing mounted but sewn on to felt for display group of 4 named to 9209 c d bryden .
Christopher donnison brydenbwas born 9th May 1907 at Sunderland North East England.
A watchmaker by occupation He attested in b company the kaffarian rifleson 15th April 1940 .
He was captured at tobruk on 21st June 1942.
He was initially in Italian pow camps
campo 66 at capua then campo 82 at laterina Oct 42 to Sept 43 .
Then German pow camps .
Stalag 4b muhlberg Sept to Oct 43 .
Stalag 9c muhlhausen Oct 43 to April 45 in various arbeitskommandos throughout German captivaty whist working at exenburg stone quarry he suffered a poisoned leg which lasted August and September 1944.
He served 5 years 77 days .
Address on discharge 105 St Georges Rd, Southern wood, East London.
Intended occupation watchmaker at 67 Oxford Street East London.
Comes with lots of printed out copy papers relating in depth his service and general life .