1915 Trio. Mair. 1st Glasgow Pals, Highland Light Infantry, the Glasgow Tramways Battalion.



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Correctly named 13193 Pte W Mair High LI

William served in the 15th (pals) Battalion also known as the Glasgow Tramways Battalion and the 1st Glasgow Pals.

He arrived in France in November 1915 earning his 15 star trio.

The Highland Light Infantry (HLI) in the 32nd Division mainly comprised of units of the new army created by Kitchener. In Glasgow, these volunteer battalions were also known as the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Glasgow. This was in reference to the fact that they were the three battalions of the HLI raised in Glasgow in 1914 by the Corporation of Glasgow and the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce as part of Field Marshall Kitchener’s volunteer recruitment drive.

The three Glasgow Pals battalions also had nicknames for one anther reflecting which industries they were drawn from:

The 15th were the ‘Boozy First’. Their original name was the ‘Glasgow Tramways Battalion’ as most of their original recruits worked for the city’s tram service.

The 16th were the ‘Holy Second’. Their original name was the ‘Glasgow Boys’ Brigade Battalion’ as most of their original recruits were former members of the Boys’ Brigade.

The 17th were the ‘Glasgow Commercials’ or the ‘Featherbeds’, a nickname acquired after a storm destroyed their tents at their training camp at Gailes in Ayrshire and they were moved to comfortable billets in Troon. Their original name was the ‘Glasgow Chamber of Commerce Battalion’.  Most of their original recruits were students of the Royal Glasgow Technical College, former pupils of local schools (including the High School and Glasgow Academy) and white collar workers from the business houses and different trades of Glasgow and the surrounding area.

They fought through the Battle of the Somme in 1916 and almost all of the major battles from then and ended their war with The Final Advance in Picardy.

Its difficult to work out Williams history due to the fact of so many William Mairs, but a nice research project for a good Pals Battalion.

The trio is his full entitlement and we see from his MIC that he was de-mobbed.

The medals all have original silk ribbons.



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