Correctly named 1214 Pte D Ahern Middlesex Regt
David was born in 1865 in Uxbridge and enlisted into the 1st Bn Middlesex Regiment in 1884 in Hounslow. He had previous service with the 3rd Middlesex Militia. He was a labourer when he enlisted.
Clasps Laings Nek, Transvaal and Orange Free State although missing a Cape Colony and a South Africa 01.
He served at home from November 1884 until January 1886 then East Indies until 1892. He returned home until February 1900 then served in South Africa until November 1901.
He was imprisoned 4 times during his service.
28 days 16/8/1886 for breaking out of barracks and losing kit.
14 days 7/6/1887 for making away by destruction of arms.
41 days 29/2/1888 for disobeying a lawful order and finally
35 days 1/9/1888 for being drunk at his post.
Has a length of modern ribbon.