WWI BWM with Royal Navy Reserve LSGC. Harris. Bucks Mills, Bideford, Devon.


BWM correctly named 1305C JT Harris SMN RNR
LSGC correctly named C1305 JT Harris SEA RNR

John Thomas Harris was born to Thomas and Mary in Bucks Mills, Bideford in 1874.
We find the family in in 1891 but Johns father has since passed away. They were living at 21 Bucks Mills and John is working as a fisherman.
In 1911, the family are at Bucks Mills, Woolsery, Devon.

He enlisted into service in 1899 and was deemed unfit for further service in 1919. He served aboard many fishing trawlers and land bases with his duties most likely fishing and possibly mine-sweeping.

We see him in 1921 living with his wife Harriet Mary at 36 Clovelly, Devon and he is still working as a fisherman.

In 1939his address is noted as 36 ‘Village’, Bideford. Now probably too old to got to see, he is listed as being a longshore fisherman.

The medals are swing mounted on a clasp for wear with original silk ribbons.

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